Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Paris Day 6 – Overcast - My birthdayDay 6 – Overcast - My birthday

Hm. It maybe wasn’t the best birthday I ever have had…

Yesterday it was a fairly nice day; sunny but very cold still. I took a walk around the area. It is very nice here actually, at least the exterior. I also discover the restaurant, where I can eat for €2.75 as a student. And of course I am student... ;) Now I can actually eat for less the €7 a day. This is a great country :D. And the food is great.

Today I went back to work again, but I left at 2:30 p.m. since I wanted to managing open a bank account… But in the meantime I manage to delete all programming files I will work with for the next six months, restore them again, and develop a much more effective programme.

So in the afternoon I went to Maison des Étudiants Suédois, to register as a resident there, so I could get the proper documents for opening a bank account. However registering as a resident was much harder than I thought, a lot of documents only in French (once again I have to learn the language), that I had to fill in. However, I managed to get the documents for the bank before handing in the residence registration, which I intend to take to work tomorrow, in order to get help from one of my colleagues. At the bank, however I wasn’t allowed to open a bank account today. I have to come back tomorrow, although I had all the required documents. I more and more believe in the rumour of France being the burocratic country on earth (although I heared Belgium is even worse).

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